This guide has been purchased and is now hosted and maintained here. Yes, with unlimited budget, you can spend hundreds a month and do a proper backup and cloud everything. But for those that live in the real world of budgets and bandwidth caps here is how you do it: […]
A RAID IS BETTER THAN BACKUP: And I can prove it in the real world. RAID Haters have learned that the correct “technical” definition of a backup is 1. Redundant 2. Automatic and 3. Off-site. And can’t wait to tell people that whenever RAID 1/5 is mentioned. They JUST CAN’T WAIT, they are holding it in like […]
Top Mistakes Every PC Builder Newbie Makes & The Classic NOOB Computer: Read:(CONFESSION – All the mistakes I personally made – CONFESSION) The classic noob computer has: 1. Watercooling. (They plan to overclock – which is ineffective BECAUSE dollar for dollar you get more real world performance elsewhere*). *Unless you are trying to max […]
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